Philimon Two Eagle, executive director of the Sicangu Lakota Treaty Council, speaking on the last day of WILD12. Image: Greg Harman

All relevant institutions [must] actively promote wilderness policy that acknowledges that nature is multi-dimensional, transcending the material and physical realms; and use language that honors the rights and roles of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom Systems, natural and customary law.” —Hé Sapa Resolution, 2024


Deep Dive: Surviving Political Polarization

  • Panel event with experts on polarization and belonging (live/recorded)
  • Facilitated discussion to exchange ideas & resources (live/recorded)
  • 2 recorded interviews with experts and on-the-ground practitioners
  • 2 articles by Richard Heinberg
  • Additional curated resources
Derivative of The Great Unraveling, (CC by-nc-nd) Michele Guieu

The Great Unraveling

Environmental and social challenges are now compounding to threaten the very systems that support the world we know. What does this Great Unraveling mean for both human civilization and the global ecosystem, and what we can do in response?

Holding the Fire

Holding the Fire

Award-winning journalist and author Dahr Jamail hosts in-depth interviews with leaders from around the world to uncover Indigenous ways of reckoning with environmental and societal breakdown.

Online Course

Resilience+ Deep Dives

Deep Dive: Surviving Political Polarization

  • Panel event with experts on polarization and belonging (live/recorded)
  • Facilitated discussion to exchange ideas & resources (live/recorded)
  • 2 recorded interviews with experts and on-the-ground practitioners
  • 2 articles by Richard Heinberg
  • Additional curated resources

Deep Dive: Navigating Climate Unraveling

  • Panel event with renowned experts (live/recorded)
  • Facilitated discussion to exchange ideas & resources (live/recorded)
  • 3 recorded interviews with on-the-ground practitioners
  • 3 articles by Richard Heinberg
  • Additional curated resources

Deep Dive: Building Emotional Resilience

  • Panel event with Lise van Susteren and Dekila Chungyalpa (recording)
  • 2 recorded interviews with emotional resilience experts
  • 3 articles by Richard Heinberg and Rachel Donald
  • Additional curated resources


Deep Dive: Navigating Climate Unraveling

  • Panel event with renowned experts (live/recorded)
  • Facilitated discussion to exchange ideas & resources (live/recorded)
  • 3 recorded interviews with on-the-ground practitioners
  • 3 articles by Richard Heinberg
  • Additional curated resources

At Resilience+

Deep Dive: Navigating Climate Unraveling

  • Panel event with renowned experts (live/recorded)
  • Facilitated discussion to exchange ideas & resources (live/recorded)
  • 3 recorded interviews with on-the-ground practitioners
  • 3 articles by Richard Heinberg
  • Additional curated resources

Online Course